It looks like you have to get people pictures

The types of worms that affect the internal organs, are referred to as helminths (worms). According to the statistics, up to the date of helminth infections affected approximately 30% of the total population. A toxic mouth can affect any part of the body. This is dangerous, not only of the disease, which can cause a fire. The presence in the body can lead to death.

you have to in the human body

Up to now, the bot is pretty much the treatment is not only medical preparations, but also folk remedies. For each type, there are different methods of treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to know and understand what are the different types of worms, symptoms of, to the just-in-time measures.

The classification of helminths

Parasitic worms are divided into two major groups: the intestinal and the tissue.

The first type is found directly in the gut. This group includes the following:

  • ascarids, and pinworms;
  • hookworm, and Giardia;
  • vlasoglavy, and dwarf tapeworm;
  • beef tapeworm, and broad tapeworm;
  • pork tapeworm.

The tissues of the mouth may settle in any organ of the human body to a parasite for a number of years. These include the following:

  • cysticerci, and the flukes;
  • Trichinella and in the liver of Dens;
  • Echinococcus and alveolars.


They are the most common and the most complex type of worms that live in the small intestine of an adult or a child. An infection with this type of worm is called ascariasis.

Before you get into the small intestine, roundworm make your way through the entire body of an organism. After infection the larvae of the species can penetrate into the blood stream, and then from the blood to the lungs, where they Mature.

In the early days of the invasion, people have begun to feel the weakness, nervousness, fever, shortness of breath, cough, and chest pain. These symptoms are justified by the fact that in the beginning, you have to strike the respiratory system.

Infection can occur by drinking raw water from sources that are not very processed fresh fruits and vegetables. During the summer months, there is a risk of injury is high.


The tiny worms, which settle in the intestine, causing a disease called enterobiasis. The worms will lay their eggs in the anal passage. Out of the eggs and into the larvae, and are able to re-enter the body through the mouth.

Re-infection occurs due to the contact of soiled hands with the food that he eats. The symptoms of this infection can be itching around the anus, and soreness.

Important! The carrier of the disease, a person.


Infection occurs through broken skin in contact with the earth, and populated with larvae of the following species of worms. Of these parasites, before we get into the intestines done the same way as the roundworm.

The symptoms can be cough, pain in the abdomen, nausea and is a violation of the chair. This is the type of helminths may cause anemia.



Giardiasis is progressing in people with the habit of biting your nails or other objects (pencils, pens). The infection can also occur in the case of consumption of contaminated water, unwashed food, contact with dirty Linen, which can contain a maggot, and a carrier of the disease.

The symptoms of this are diarrhea, and abdominal pain.


trichocephalosis occurs during an infection by the larvae of the whipworm. They have to get the interior together with the fresh fruits and vegetables. Through dirty hands and water, they are also carriers.

The invasion is accompanied by an acute pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, loss of appetite. Often, the signs of the infection are similar to the symptoms of appendicitis.

Beef tapeworm

One of the most dangerous types of worms, parasites in the intestines. Adult worm up to several meters in length. The individual is taken out of the human body all of the nutrients and the result of a strong poison.

The symptoms of this infection are the following:

  • diarrhea and pain in the abdomen;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • restless sleep;
  • dizziness, and fainting.

The risk of getting the beef tapeworm infection occurs by eating insufficiently cooked beef infected with the beef tapeworm larvae.

A tapeworm

The cause of the difillobotrioz it is to eat poorly processed fish products and caviar. The worm that causes the disease, it is one of the biggest, and can reach tens of metres in length. The symptoms of this infection include severe abdominal pain, and anemia.

Pork tapeworm

Infection with this helminth species, it is very dangerous to humans. The eating of pork, which has not passed sufficient heat treatment, it can lead to the ingestion of the Finn, who will become fully-grown.

In the body of the pork tapeworm, occasionally separate from the so-called segments, which are capable of independently exiting the body through the anus or with the feces getting into the environment. Taeniasis similar to the symptoms of infection of the bovine tapeworm.

Failure Of The Dens

Opisthorchiasis causes of the ingestion of the larvae of the human liver Fluke along with the infected fish.

The signs of the presence of opisthorchiasis:

  • the disadvantage of;
  • diarrhea;
  • the pain of it all over the body;
  • the occurrence of Allergies.

More serious symptoms include, chronic. This type of parasite risk for the development of cancer of the liver.



The worm will settle in the body, most commonly the liver or lungs. Echinococcus may result in the formation of a cyst in the affected organ, and the occurrence of tumors. The infection can be fatal. The larvae are transmitted to humans through contact with sick animals.


They are exposed to in the first place, and people who eat bad processed meat of wild animals. The institution of Trichinella can also be pigs. The Habitat of adults in the human body, there are different kinds of muscles, (respiratory, face, etc.).

In the early stage, nausea, and diarrhea. The later symptoms of the invasion of a temperature, swelling, skin rashes, pain in the muscles. An infection by this type of parasites are, without a timely treatment, it can lead to death.

The symptoms of the different types of worms

Especially when infected with helminths there is a loss from the gastrointestinal tract and the disruption of their work. Some of the types you have to have hooks to cling to the intestinal wall, the tearing, and the production of the open wounds, the products of its life and the specific materials that have a negative impact on the digestive system and is caused by the formation of a people who have such negative symptoms, such as nausea, ending in vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, and flatulence. It can occur, and neurological symptoms, sleep disturbances, and irritability due to poisoning by the toxic waste, products of all types of worms. The severity of these symptoms depends on the duration of the infection in a person. For each of the varieties you have to have its own characteristic clinical picture. You can, in order to avoid errors in the determination of the type of hit-a patient's parasites, it would have to be more and more taken into account, what are the signs of the cause of the common diseases:

  • The majority of roundworms are characterized by the presence of pain, it has no precise localization, nausea and retching, a disorder of the chair. These types of worms, such as pinworms, surprisingly, the most commonly in children, the very appearance of severe itching in the anus. From the description of this group of parasites, you can see that it is the clinical picture caused by and is characterized by the occurrence in humans, common symptoms of expressed toxicosis and allergy;
  • The infection of humans provokes just have to the look of the dysuric disorders. The acute form of the pathology characterized by an increase in size of the liver and spleen, and, in the case of the removal of this type of helminth infection, in the chronic stage, patients appear pale symptoms of colitis;
  • The presence of the human body, the worms, flukes characterized by a disease of the liver, pancreatitis, and hepatitis. They also give rise to the symptoms associated with severe neurological disorders.

What kind of worms are in children?

The most common for a child to have, without any special tools, is visible in the stool are roundworms and pinworms. These parasites, which affect children most often. Knowledge of the causes, the symptoms and images of what their of Mature individuals, in the mud, you are ready to believe that it is in their presence, and in order to avoid the formation of irreversible disorders in the human body.

In the Retreat, they meet not only one of the representatives of this species of worms, but is also attached to the parasitic worms. Their larvae are able to move with the flow of the blood, the damage to the walls of the lungs, bronchi, and vessels, which, in the case of penetration into the pancreas and the liver, which can lead to pancreatitis, or hepatitis. For an accurate diagnosis of the child and the adult, we must look to the mud that it is necessary to determine the presence of parasite eggs. But it is quite difficult, because there is a process of reproduction of the these kinds of maggots does not occur on a daily basis.

the treatment of parasites

The type and treatment of helminths

A universal method for the destruction of the parasites, until today, did not exist. The approach to the treatment of worms in humans, there is always a strictly individual basis. The possible treatment, medication, drugs, surgery, or the use of traditional methods. The end the tactics of the treatment is prescribed by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis and identification of species of parasitic worms. All therapeutic measures for the destruction of worms, for both children and adults should be administered only by the specialist. Self-healing, in this case, it is absolutely contraindicated. The treatment of helminthiasis should be implemented in a step-by-step holistic. It consists of the following steps:

  • During the preparatory phase;
  • The destruction of the parasites;
  • Restoration of their function.

In the initial stage of the use of sorbents, to help with the binding and elimination of toxins from various species of worms, and vegetable oil. Next, you will need to start taking medication that destroys parasites. The last of the patients are assigned to an enzyme product intended for the cleaning of the digestive tract. They help to eliminate toxins, stop by a certain type of fire, the destruction of liver cells and accelerate the renewal of its infrastructure.

In this case, if there is the presence of the parasites detected in the child, one of the courses, how to get rid of them, it is necessary for all members of the family. This will help to prevent the formation of a nidus of infection with any kind of you have to constantly infecting each other with their eggs. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the implementation of the hygiene procedures and personal hygiene. Only if all rules in a short period of time, to get rid of the parasites, and to prevent the further spread of the infection.

The diagnosis of helminthiasis

Tests for helminths

The diagnosis of helminth infections is a complex problem, and it is also the only one that is based on a holistic examination of the person for whom the use of various laboratory techniques. All of the research, the methods to be used for the identification of the helminths are divided into three categories:

  • Morphological diagnosis (examination under a microscope pieces of tissue, taken in biopsy, or puncture of various organs);
  • The clinical, immunological, and serological methods of diagnosis (ultrasound of various organs, tomography, x-ray, blood test, urine sample, RSK, ELISA, etc.);
  • Parasitological methods are the most informative and useful for the diagnosis of helminths, since they allow to detect eggs, larvae, or maggots, in a variety of biological fluids, such as feces, urine, blood, gastric juice, bile, vomit, swabs, intestinal mucus, etc.).

Morphological diagnosis is rare, and it is only when there is a suspicion of helminthiasis, in which the parasites may be in the thickness of the tissue, for example, cysticercosis, trichinosis, etc., Clinical, immunological, and serological methods are also used for the detection of helminths localized in the thickness of the internal organs (e.g., lungs, liver, brain, etc.). In all other cases, the diagnosis of helminths use a variety of techniques that allow you to instantly establish a kind of worm that has caused the disease.

the tests for parasites

When the primary mass surveys for the detection of helminth infections have always used Parasitological techniques, and it is only by doing this, when you suspect infection by parasites, which are located deep in the internal organs, in addition to producing a morphological diagnosis, or the use, of the clinical, immunological, and serological methods. So, if you suspect a bot you'll first need to do a degree in a specialized laboratory.

For the prevention of helminthiasis should strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene: always wash hands before eating, after using the toilet or contact with animals, not to eat unwashed fruits and vegetables and half-raw meat or fish products. Also, avoid drinking water from open reservoirs. To destroy flies and other insects that carry the eggs from the worms.